Trips to Nairobi

2024 Recap

Marrisa and l are in Nairobi. The trip was long but always worth it!! One thing l love about the Trademark Hotel where we stay each year is that each floor has a theme room. Our floor's is the "Color Room"

Video Testimonial from Kenya 2024

2022 Recap

The International Business Connect Summit in Nairobi Kenya 2022 was one of the highlights of my trip to Africa! In fact, it is one of the main reasons I plan to return in 2023. I met business owners from across Kenya. Their stories, their businesses, and drive reinforced my desire to assist in their pursuit of being a change agent for their country. What an honor and privilege. It was so inspiring!!

We met for two days. The group I mentored were from the tourism industry and consisted of about 20 members. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many women entrepreneurs. The pictures are from introductions, the group sessions, lunch, and everyone’s reaction to Les Browns virtual presentation.

Delegate Testimonials

The Reviews Are In!​

Words from Saint Leo University​

We're Back!​

The Rumble in the Jungle​


Need a Universal Remote To Pause Life!​